What is the number one secret tool that almost all pro bloggers and developers use?
It’s not a plugin… it’s not a theme… and it’s not some fancy curation software either.
What they all have in common is that they run WordPress on a local server for testing and backup purposes. Here at IM Wealth Builders we have been doing the same for years – in fact every single plugin and theme we have ever built, has been developed on localhost first.
But using localhost is not just for developers – it’s something all WordPress bloggers can benefit from doing.
Essentially using your own development server means running a fully functional version of WordPress on your own computer – offline (ie. not published/live on the internet).
There are a number of very good reasons for doing this…
- Testing if new themes and plugins work with your current setup before messing up your live blogs.
- Testing changes you would like to make in your theme before messing with the files on your real blogs
- Testing stuff on localhost is super fast compared to live blogs
- It’s great if you are a developer building plugins and themes (or want to check work your outsourcers have done).’
- Testing new WordPress, theme and plugin updates before you add them to your site
- Quickly fixing bugs and problems on your live blogs
- And much more… you can read more about it here
The problem is that running WordPress on a local server is a very difficult and time consuming thing to set up – previously it has been reserved for the real tech heads and developers.
But our very good friend Matt Garrett has just released a great product called WP Simulator
It shows you step-by-step how you can start using localhost for WordPress today and all the ways you can benefit from it – and it does so using free resources.
It’s geared to help you transform the way you build, test and repair WordPress sites faster than normally possible. If like me you find WordPress development slow then you should take a look this.
Matt Garrett, a pro blogger of some 10 years & his techies have found an easy way to run a rapid test version of WordPress on any PC or MAC. The traditional way of doing this involves editing complex server files and following multi-step install procedures…
Matt doesn’t release many products, the last 3 have all been top sellers – I have no doubt this one will be too.
It’s one of those products that won’t immediately put dollars in your pocket but it’s one you’ll wish you knew about years earlier as it will make your life a whole lot easier…
We highly recommend WP Simulator – so click on the banner below to have a look and grab a copy for yourself, before the price goes up.